Key Documents

Inquiry Briefing to the Health Committee

Inquiry Briefing (provided to Health Committee on 21 October 2021)

Terms of Reference

Revised Terms of reference (11 December 2020)


Original Terms of Reference (May 2018)

Conversion to Statutory Public Inquiry

Chairman's Statement on the conversion of the Public Inquiry to a Statutory Public Inquiry - 

Chairman writes to the Patient Client Council - 

Update to Patient Client Council -

Chairman updates Patient Client Council 10 Mar 2021 (PDF 89 KB)

Restriction Orders

Public engagement Process

Questionnaires and the guidance note can be downloaded from the following links 

Please Note that the Inquiry continues to be happy to receive completed questionnaires until 5pm on Thursday 26th August 2021.

If you want a form that can be edited in Word this is available here - Independent Neurology Inquiry - Questionnaire in Word Format 26-07-2021 (Word 37 KB)

An easy-read version of the questionnaire for patients only can be down loaded on the following links

Note - you can add any additional sheets you need when completing the questionnaire and only enclose copies of relevant information.

Completed questionnaires can be emailed to or by post to - 

The Independent Neurology Inquiry
Bradford Court
1 Bradford Court

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